What if I stop my subscription after the 14-day trial--or after a year? Can I still retain ownership of my stored pictures?
Photector keeps a record of all photographic evidence for 5 years. As a subscriber, you have access 24/7 to images via the app. If you should cancel your subscription, send support@photector.com a request and we'll send you the images in a zip file.
If I damage a container, what’s my incentive to use Photector to take pictures and save it in blockchain?
You’ve damaged the container while it is under your care and custody in the interchange process which would leave your company responsible for the repair cost. You have a choice not to report it, and wait to get caught. If the next party involved ...
Why can’t I just use my mobile phone to take damage pictures? They are time and date stamped?
The approach suggested is flawed and does not provide irrefutable protection: Not all mobile devices allow the date/time to be physically inserted onto the picture they take. That feature is not part of the default camera app provided by Apple or ...
Why would anyone take the time to change the time and date stamp on a picture?
Simple. If someone is being accused of causing damage at a repair cost that exceeds their financial point of pain, a few hundred dollars to the full replacement cost of the container, they would have reason. With Photector, each picture is taken in ...
I routinely get $250 damage invoices from shippers 30-60-90 days later--sometimes just for a dirty container! Even if I had photo evidence from Photector, shippers make me pay or threaten to drop me from the Interchange. It's not worth the hassle.
Did you know you can file a claim with the arbitration board of UIIA? That's their primary purpose within our industry, and photo evidence is your primary proof. If we all stand up for integrity, our industry continues to thrive. If everyone takes a ...